I know I’m often tweaking Runner’s World for its upscale, science-based, by-the-numbers approach to the sport. In fact, the mag, which is now linked with Running Times, has wonderful people on its combined staff.
I’ve never seen a more inspiring article in RW than its Boston lead-up photo essay on the family members of Meb Keflezighi. Do take a look here. In a way, whether Meb has a good race doesn’t really matter — we’re blessed to have this beautiful family in our country, our running community, and our world.
Maybe I’m feeling that good old Boston heartbeat. Or maybe it’s the lingering after-effect of a one-hour conversation with Krista Scott-Dixon, just completed for a podcast on her website, www.stumptuous.com. Krista is wonderful, a clear, loving presence for the hundreds of women she teaches and influences about health, fitness, and a better life.
I’ll let you know when the podcast appears. We went pretty deep in joyful sports territory.